
Taking on the hunt

Regarding “Hunting’s Hard Turf” [Oct. 25], after months of fantastic articles on outdoor sports and environmental concerns, you present a dreadful and disturbing article about blasting animals to smithereens for no good reason. Trust me on this: The few remaining morons in the hunting community are not big readers.


Laguna Beach


Thanks for the great article on hunting deer in the D-11 zone. Your article summed up what we deer hunters experience when we chase our quarry through that rugged terrain. To see an article with a positive attitude toward hunting in The Times is a welcome surprise.


Los Angeles


Deer hunters need to be stopped rather than lionized. It is ridiculous that in this day and age people are allowed to kill for the thrill. Why is it more important for these hunters to have a trophy than it is to let a creature that asks nothing of man, other than to be left alone, live its life the way God intended? Don’t encourage them.



West Los Angeles

I really enjoyed your article on Zone D-11. It was interesting, and it appears that you put a lot of thought into it. It was told in a unique and personal style. What also caught my attention was that it was about hunting in a positive way, from a hunter’s point of view.




Californians are extremely fortunate to live in a state where one can surf, sail, bike, kayak, mountain bike. With so many fantastic opportunities and challenges available to California sportsmen, why would you lower your standards to write a feature about the cowards who hide behind guns and enjoy killing? Hunting is not a sport. It is murder. If you want to shoot something, grab a camera.


Los Angeles


I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed the story on deer hunting in the demanding D-11 zone. Having participated in a successful deer hunt last weekend, I felt a special kinship for hunter Arl Farris and his trials -- and sportsmanship. I salute The Times for presenting this compelling piece of solid reporting straight, no chaser.



Newport Coast


I am disgusted by your decision to run “Hunting’s Hard Turf,” which glorifies the “sport” of murdering deer. This is as much a “sport” as the killing of unarmed humans by street gangs. When the value of life is so demeaned, a cycle of violence is perpetuated. To reduce this never-ending cycle, let us begin down a new path: Allow hunters to hunt only each other. Put them on their own little “hunting preserve,” and let the games begin!


