
Child Labor in China Is a Moral Affront

Re “China’s Use of Child Labor Emerges From the Shadows,” May 13: A country that makes laws against child labor and doesn’t enforce them is inexcusable. A country that bleeds its children for greater position in the international world creates a consumptive and greedy society. China is not alone in using children for inhumane purposes, but it is deeply two-faced about it, claiming to prevent child labor and not enforcing the law.

I cannot buy products from China when I know children suffered to make them. I will not patronize Wal-Mart or any other business that sells Chinese goods. I realize this is almost impossible, as most of our merchandise has a Chinese label. But I am going to try. We canceled a three-week trip to China because I just can’t see myself supporting a country that so badly mistreats its children.

Patti Dodgen

San Diego
