
Prewar Papers Raise Questions and Concerns

Re “Indignation Grows in U.S. Over British Prewar Documents,” May 12: Thanks for publishing the story about British Prime Minister Tony Blair and George Bush’s prewar discussions.

But I have a question. If I understand the ramifications of this evidence, there is a strong possibility that we committed war crimes by invading Iraq and that our leaders lied to us. Why did 11 days pass before a major U.S. news organization published a detailed story?

This story appears to have merit only because 89 House Democrats earlier this month sent a letter to President Bush. Why the delay?


Mark Nealey


Now that a “smoking gun” memo has been leaked from the British government, is there any doubt that Bush knew there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and was hellbent to invade Iraq no matter what?

Couple this with plans to divide Iraqi oil among several foreign oil companies being talked about as early as March 2001 and an ugly picture appears, one in which deliberate lies were told to Congress and the American people, and thousands of lives were sacrificed, only for the sake of oil profits.

At this point, the next official document I want “leaked” out of Washington is one laying out articles of impeachment against Bush.


Richard Mallery

North Hollywood
