
Governor’s Fundraising Costs Us Too Much

Re “Schwarzenegger to Go on Road to Raise Funds,” Feb. 25: The governor says: “The people don’t see it as a negative. Maybe the press does, but the people don’t. I have never had anyone come up to me and say, ‘Governor, please stop the fundraising.’ ” Well, sir, I am not a member of the press, I am one of “the people” and I am saying, “Governor, please stop the fundraising. Stop selling out our state and our future to the corporations that have bought you out.”

Peter Davison

Santa Monica


Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, with all of the fundraising he is doing on the East Coast, has given new meaning to the term “carpetbagger.” East Coast political money coming west has a strong odor of rotting fish. The governor says it’s the press that sees his fundraising efforts as a “negative.” Well, if his bodyguards would let me come near him, I would go up to him and say, “Governor, please stop the fundraising.”

I hope the majority of the people of California see through his ego and hypocrisy in time to save this state from the governor’s special interest friends outside of California. Come to think about it, let’s make it inside of California too.


Helen Aragon

San Fernando
