
Clear Signals on Rice Confirmation

Re “Rice Is Confirmed Despite Opposition,” Jan. 27: Another blow to American democracy: the confirmation of Condoleezza Rice as secretary of State. She lied about weapons of mass destruction to frighten Americans to go to war, and lies to this day to cover her trail. But this seems to be the policy of the Bush administration: Those who lie and bully for the party are rewarded, while those with integrity are pushed out. This culminates in honorable men like John McCain forfeiting their morality by endorsing illegal wars and corrupt officials to survive. The “values” party? I think not.

Jeff Horne

Los Angeles


Sen. Barbara Boxer is a small woman. In her first Senate campaign she drew attention to her height and promised to stand on a box to make herself taller. There is not a box big enough to improve her small-minded meanness where Rice is concerned. When she runs again, I plan on working to defeat her.

Beth Moran

Rancho Palos Verdes


At last -- someone is willing to stand up to the Republicans and tell the truth about the Bush record, and it is our own Sen. Barbara Boxer! In the Rice confirmation hearing, Boxer asked the right questions and was rewarded with the same evasive rhetoric made famous by this administration. Boxer exposed Rice and the Bush administration for what they are, tellers of fairy tales.


It is disconcerting that only 12 other senators had the intestinal fortitude to join Boxer in voting against Rice. No wonder Democrats are becoming an endangered species.

Panfilo Fuentes

