
Answers About Jury Service Are Made Available Online

Times Staff Writer

Los Angeles County jurors accustomed to busy signals when inquiring about their jury service will find that relief is now a mouse click away.

New features of the Los Angeles Superior Court website ( allow those who receive jury summonses to find out when and where they need to show up. The site also allows jurors to reschedule their service.

“Our hope is that we will be able to move additional juror services online,” said Superior Court spokesman Allan Parachini.


The Los Angeles Superior Court, with 52 facilities, is the largest trial court system in the nation, requiring about 10,000 jurors daily for trials.

In 2005, 896,000 county residents were found qualified to serve on cases and untold thousands of them called in to verify service or change it.

The sheer volume, court officials said, could easily overtax any phone system.

Parachini said that in the future the court hopes to allow jurors to use the Web to request to transfer service to another courthouse or be excused by interacting online with a real-time customer service agent.
