The Chief Vet Will See You Now
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Legend has it that San Antonio de Abad became the patron saint of the animal kingdom about eight centuries ahead of a more famous fellow animal lover, St. Francis of Assisi. San Antonio’s specialty was blessing his congregation’s livestock, and a yearly blessing of the animals has been held in his honor at Olvera Street since 1930. On the event’s 75th anniversary on Easter weekend, a parade of unrepentant fauna received a blessing and a sprinkling of holy water from Cardinal Roger M. Mahony.
David Kaufman
with Ventura, 3-year-old albino Burmese python
Why did you want a snake as a pet?
I live in a condo and they take up minimal space.
Is Ventura a good companion?
He doesn’t give a lot of love. But he’s a great conversation piece.
Does he roam around your condo?
He has a cage. If I let him go free he’d end up behind the refrigerator.
Could he be a danger to you?
There are many misconceptions about snakes. One is that they want to kill any animals that come near. They’re actually pretty docile and timid. He knows I’m too big to eat.
You two seem pretty tight.
He’ll grab on to anybody because [snakes are] cold-blooded; they’re always looking to get warm. As for emotional warmth, I don’t think he really knows who I am.
Why bless a snake after that episode in the Garden of Eden?
It’s a good way to give reptiles and the Southwestern Herpetologists Society some promotion. Cardinal Mahony loves reptiles. He motioned me over and petted Ventura.
Nancy Islam
with Sasha, 9 1/2-year-old dachshund/poodle
Why bring Sasha to be blessed?
She’s done this many times. It brings peace to our household.
If there were a confessional for pets, what would Sasha confess?
Once in a while she’s a little ornery and she likes to get away with it. She likes to be her own boss. She doesn’t pay attention when I tell her to do something. She might admit to that.
Is man here to rule the animal world or to take care of it?
Animals should be taken care of but not ruled. We never call ourselves Sasha’s master.
Would you recommend having an animal blessed?
It’s a bit of insurance.
Sabine Phillips
with Jen Jen, 7-year-old iguana
Why are you here?
[Jen Jen] is an ambassador for iguanas. People should be careful before getting one. They live 20 to 25 years and need special care. They have strong personalities.
What is Jen Jen like?
Iguanas are good readers of body language. He knows his name. He knows at 7 o’clock the lights come on, at 10 o’clock he has a shower.
Is he more angel or devil?
Nine months of the year he’s an angel and three months he’s a lizard from hell. During breeding season he wants to take over the house.
If there were a confessional for animals, what would Jen Jen say?
He probably would mention that he didn’t like something I was wearing, so he tried to attack me.
So he’s fashion-conscious?
There are things I can’t wear around him. Colorful stuff, certain hats. They’re complicated critters.
What is the effect of being blessed?
Two years ago my other iguana was blessed and died two months later.
Daniel Padilla
with Mia, 5-year-old Australian shepherd mix
Why did you bring your pet here?
It’s the 75th anniversary of the blessing. My aunt made the dress and the outfit for Mia.
How do you think she’ll be after being blessed?
Hopefully a little calmer. She’s a very hyperactive dog.
If there were a confessional for pets, what would Mia say?
She probably would tell the priest how many times she did wee-wee on the carpet and tried to blame our other dog.
Could Mia use divine intervention?
She and our other dog tend not to listen and to take off on their own. It’s the wild animal in them. We found them on the street, two skinny dogs without tags. I said to my wife, “Do you think they’ll come in if I slide open the van?” She said, “Don’t you dare.” But it was too late.
Why are animals blessed separately? Aren’t people animals too?
I consider we’ll be getting some residual splash today.