
The Former Cat Stevens’ Reaction to Deportation

Re “Something Bad Has Begun,” Commentary, Sept. 28: I was surprised that The Times made so much of its precious space available for Yusuf Islam’s (Cat Stevens) lengthy diatribe, one which made him seem like a peace-loving angel.

No matter how much he protests a well-deserved image as a Muslim zealot, he cannot ever evade reality. And that reality is that, in 1989 when the Iranian clergy put a bounty on Salman Rushdie’s head, Islam vocally endorsed it. If there is anything at all pure about Islam, it is the purity of his shameless hypocrisy!

Jack Wolf



I had heard the story about the former Cat Stevens of “Peace Train” with utter disbelief, but after reading Yusuf Islam’s own account of his detainment of 33 hours and subsequent deportation, I am so heartsick that I cried.


I have been a citizen of this great land for more than 59 years, but at this time I am not proud to be an American.

Dallas R. Baird

Rancho Cucamonga


We wouldn’t want to give the impression that the good old USA is interested in jumping on the peace train. Leave it to our homeland security boys to be right on top of things.

Anita Helprin

Palm Desert
