
Mahony’s Stand on Files Is Indefensible

Re “Judge Rules Mahony Must Provide Files,” Sept. 9: If the two priests Cardinal Roger Mahony is protecting are not guilty of molesting children, why won’t the cardinal give the district attorney’s office the information it needs? Since when is any church, synagogue or mosque immune from the law? If our Constitution allows religious leaders to protect guilty people, then it is time that the laws are changed. If it is wrong for the average citizen to protect criminals, then why should religious leaders be immune?

What kind of example does Mahony set for his parishioners when he can defy the law by claiming some vague protection of privacy? His explanation that the church has all these programs to protect children has no meaning if the guilty men are allowed to go free because Mahony chooses to interpret the law to suit his needs.

Daria Case

Sherman Oaks
