
Bush Owes the Nation a Moderate Justice

Re “GOP Colleagues Rule for Specter,” Nov. 19: Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) has promised quick and decisive action on President Bush’s judicial appointments. Nothing about nominating a Supreme Court justice should be quick. Once someone is confirmed to the court, he (or preferably she) is there for life.

Bush won the election by the narrowest of margins in terms of percentage. He is the leader of a deeply divided country, and it is his responsibility as a leader to appoint justices who will take into account the varied nature of beliefs held by Americans. It is only logical that if the electorate is almost evenly divided, then only a moderate will be able to justly rule over all Americans. To appoint any judge who veers too far to the left or the right would be to alienate the views of most Americans.

Sarah Jane Vaughan

Los Angeles
