
Hybrids May Help Break Oil Dependency Habit

Whether one believes in global warming, limited oil reserves or even the tooth fairy, it is obvious that the internal-combustion engine as it now exists must go the way of the dinosaurs (“Waving Yellow Flag on ‘Green’ Hybrid Vehicles,” March 7).

Why? Because of the lopsided and dangerous dependent relationship we have with the countries owning most of the largest oil fields in the world.

Each day we are reminded at the gas pump that we are held hostage to their agendas and that their attempts to disrupt and destroy our way of life are financed entirely with oil revenue.


Yes, the Toyota Prius and Honda Civic and Insight hybrids may not achieve the mileage advertised, and their price premium cannot be fully recaptured. However, if they are the pioneers that eventually enable us to truly break our deadly oil habit, what value can be assigned to that?

Danny Justman

Los Angeles
