
Bush Plan to Recognize the Guest Workers Here

Re “Bush Would Open U.S. to Guest Workers,” Jan. 8:

President Bush says that immigrants will take jobs that most Americans won’t take and that’s why he is changing immigration policy. That simply isn’t true. Many Americans have no problem picking vegetables, serving others or sewing clothes. Once again he needs to be more honest and stop disparaging the American worker.

Immigrants will take a low wage that most Americans won’t take, and that’s why Bush is changing immigration policy.

Clay J. Claiborne

Los Angeles


I was really optimistic when Bush won the 2000 election. I thought that things would be different. I thought that he would never sell out our country for a few votes. I voted for Bush because I thought he was the opposite of President Clinton. I was wrong. He is exactly like Clinton.


Bush’s amnesty and guest worker program will sell our country out in exchange for a few Hispanic votes. Unfortunately for Bush, he will lose far more votes than he gains, since loyal supporters like myself will never vote for him again.

Joel Brown

San Diego


Bush wants to put illegals to work, but in California, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will not give them driver’s licenses to drive to their jobs. No bipartisan cooperation here, even in the same party.

As a third-generation German American who fought against my relatives during World War II and then sent them care packages afterward, and as an advocate for Native Americans, whose land has been flooded with illegals, starting way back in 1492, I say: Open the borders, give illegal immigrants driver’s licenses and give them the same break all the rest of us are living on.


Phil Wilt

Van Nuys


Given the federal government’s track record, why should the American public believe that, if enacted, Bush’s proposed immigrant guest worker law would be enforced?

Donald Hirt

Paso Robles


In a time when open borders and the ease with which people enter this country permitted 9/11 to happen, and a time when the White House foments fear of foreign terror, how dare Bush pander for votes by not only continuing this lax policy but by encouraging it further?

Close the borders and educate Americans so we don’t need “guest workers” who are willing to work for less, who don’t pay taxes, who use our tax-supported benefits and who send $10 billion or more back home each year instead of spending it here.


If there are jobs for guest workers there are jobs for citizens and legal residents.

Stephany Yablow

North Hollywood


With regard to Bush’s immigration proposal, all of California’s congressional delegation should first insist that the federal government reimburse the state for all of the costs of Medicaid for all immigrants, not just the current 50% amount.

Local taxpayers should not have to subsidize federal immigration policy.

Paul A. Myers

