
Utah museum to return painting

From Associated Press

An 18th century oil painting recently discovered to have been looted by the Nazis during the occupation of France and later donated to the Utah Museum of Fine Arts will be returned to its rightful owners.

“Les Amoureux Jeunes,” or “The Young Lovers,” by Francois Boucher (1707-70) was stolen in 1940 from the French art dealer Andrew Jean Seligmann. Two of Seligmann’s heirs will travel to Salt Lake City next month to take possession of it.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. March 1, 2004 For The Record
Los Angeles Times Monday March 01, 2004 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 2 National Desk 1 inches; 43 words Type of Material: Correction
Art dealer -- A Quick Takes item in Friday’s Calendar about an oil painting looted by the Nazis in 1940 erroneously reported the first name of the French art dealer from whom it was stolen. His name is Andre Jean Seligmann, not Andrew.

A researcher at the National Gallery of Art in Washington made the discovery that the painting had been looted, said David Carroll, the director of collections for the Utah museum.
