
Agencies depend on commissions

Regarding “Discounts Getting a Little Tougher to Find, but They’re Out There” (Travel Insider, March 28): We own and operate a full-service travel agency and take pride in providing the best value to our loyal clients. Staff writer Jane Engle suggested that travelers looking for a discount should ask for discounts from travel agents because they “get commissions from each sale they make.”

Yes, we do receive commissions from some tour operators and cruise lines, none from airlines, and chase commissions due us from hotels and car rental firms. These commissions are our source of income. To ask for a part of it is ridiculous.

That’s like asking Engle to rebate every travel agent who buys a copy of the Los Angeles Times because The Times undoubtedly pays her to write a column.


Rich Mires

Lompoc Cruise & Travel,

Lompoc, Calif.

Send letters to Travel, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012; fax (213) 237-7355, e-mail travel@ Include your name, address and phone number.
