
A Clash Between the Sacred and Profane

Re “Abuse Victims Protest at Annual Mass,” April 6: I was present for Chrism Mass on April 5 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles and was gravely disappointed by the profaning of the sacrament of the Eucharist by the Survivors of Silence demonstration.

The celebration of the Eucharist is a memorial of Christ’s death and resurrection. Moreover, it is a sacrament of love and sign of unity.

Molly Clark and the other Survivors of Silence protesters showed a complete lack of grace by choosing to treat as unworthy a place consecrated to God at precisely the moment when Catholics believe the true body of Christ is made substantially present for us. Clark’s actions reveal hubris and immodest reveling in victimhood rather than a commitment to enduring justice, redemption and healing.


Justo Gonzalez

Los Angeles
