
Bongs are just the beginning

I can’t believe Tommy Chong is going to jail for selling bongs because they can be used to smoke marijuana (“He’s Taking One Big Hit,” by Hilary E. MacGregor, Oct. 10). There are drug dealers in L.A. killing people and users ruining their lives and the lives of their children -- and the feds arrest a guy for selling glassware?

Sarah Forth

Los Angeles


SO Tommy Chong is sentenced to nine months in prison for selling water pipes. I get it. Finally we understand what the administration considers a weapon of mass destruction, not to mention what constitutes an imminent threat to our national security. I wonder what U.S. Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft has in mind for Rush Limbaugh for illegally trafficking in a controlled substance. Torture and the death penalty?

David Rosen

Long Beach


IF gun makers aren’t liable for murderous results from the use of their products, how can Tommy Chong be held liable for how people use his pipes? Bongs don’t smoke pot, people do.


Kevin Draper



I can only hope Ashcroft will soon turn his focus to an even more insidious group of criminals: those who manufacture or distribute matches and lighters. The only way to win this war on drugs will be to cut off users’ supply of fire.

Ferd Britton

Santa Monica
