
Count off to smooth moving

Planning a move? Here’s a countdown from MSN House & Home,

Eight weeks before moving:

Create a “move file” to keep important documents and receipts.

Budget for moving expenses, and check with the IRS to see what expenses are tax-deductible. Research the new community.

Seven weeks before moving:

Transfer medical, dental and school records to the new community.

Ask home insurance agent how policy will change.

End, sell or transfer memberships to associations such as health clubs.

Six weeks before moving:

Designate valuable items that should be shipped or carried with you.

Make a list of people who should be notified of the move.

Decide what to keep and what to give away.

Five weeks before moving:

Gather packing supplies.

Schedule a date to get a moving truck and plan ahead for parking. Contact the property manager or local authorities to ensure that you’re complying with parking laws.

Four weeks before moving:

Reserve a moving truck, ramp and any other needed loading equipment.

File a change of address with the post office.

Cancel services with local utility companies and set up services at new residence.

Cancel or reroute newspaper and magazine subscriptions.

Three weeks before moving:

Return all borrowed items and pick up items that have been out for repair.

Pack rarely used items. Sell or donate items you do not want to keep.

Service cars.

Two weeks before moving:

Transfer or close bank accounts.

Confirm travel arrangements and parking for the moving truck at your destination.

One week before moving:

Finish packing.

Designate an “essentials” box and “last load” items.

Empty gas from all motors, grills and heaters.

Empty, defrost and clean refrigerator.
