Mahony Should Release Documents on Priests
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Re “Mahony Resisting Disclosure,” March 3: Without question, there is a great sin infecting the very heart of the Roman Catholic Church. It’s called “betrayal of innocence.” Cardinal Roger Mahony must put an end to this moral crisis by adopting a policy of full disclosure on matters involving priests who sexually abuse children. Hiding behind the 1st Amendment is unworthy of the cardinal.
Sexual abuse is a grave evil, a great sin and a crime that can scar victims for life. Such reprehensible conduct by priests cannot be tolerated and should be fully disclosed by the Los Angeles Archdiocese. I pray that God will heal the hearts of the victims and that he will take the evil out of the hearts of the offenders. Mahony must take responsibility for the moral failure of his priests.
Rick Schreiner
Where is Cardinal Mahony’s primary concern for the victims of clergy sexual abuse? I thought the cardinals and bishops meant “total transparency” when they ballyhooed it around at the last U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops meeting and before television cameras in Washington. What happened to “we want every single thing out, open and dealt with, period,” as Mahony said?
I find his statements disingenuous in manner and criminal in intent. He should be brought up on charges of obstruction of justice and conspiracy in the commission of many felonies. This is more about an attempt of a drowning man to hang on for dear life than about “the right of a bishop to speak openly and candidly with his priests about the most intimate and personal of subjects without fear of being exposed to civil authorities,” as Mahony’s counsel, J. Michael Hennigan, put it.
Mahony and the bishops still do not realize the great horror that this scandal represents for our Catholic Church and the extent of malevolence and undiluted evil that is abroad in the guise of these sinful men.
The hierarchy of the church has allowed this to fester, and perhaps its members are more involved than we could ever have imagined. The bishops have already demonstrated their lack of moral leadership and are about to lose their last shot at credibility.
Sister M. Immaculata Dunn
Member, Voice of the Faithful
Valley Forge, Pa.
It appears that Mahony has taken his lead from Vice President Dick Cheney and adopted Cheney’s policy -- we know best what you need to know.
Bud Lacy
Santa Ana