
E-Filing Eliminates the Paperwork

For a faster, more accurate return, consider electronic filing. Here’s what you need to know:

* E-filing can speed your refund to you in two to three weeks, compared with up to eight weeks for a paper return. People who owe money can e-file as well, and pay by credit card or scheduled automatic debit.

* The e-filing system checks your math and offers electronic confirmation that your return has been received--something that’s not available with a paper return.


* You can e-file using tax software, tax-preparation Web sites or a tax preparer who offers the service. Eligible taxpayers with simple returns can use the telephone to e-file; the IRS has sent a special package to those who can use this “TeleFile” system.

* The cost of e-filing is typically included in the tax-preparation fee, although some preparers, Web sites and software vendors charge an additional $10 to $20.

--Liz Pulliam Weston
