
Resistance to State’s Testing Program

“State’s Standardized Test Spurs Scattered Backlash” (May 24) suggests that Gov. Gray Davis’ proposed changes to the state’s Standardized Testing and Reporting program are in response to critics of testing. It has always been the intention of the governor and other architects of the state’s school accountability program to move from use of a single, nationally normed test of basic skills to a system that places more emphasis on tests of California’s more rigorous academic content standards. Both tests provide parents, the public and schools with important information aimed at improving instruction and student achievement.

“Teaching to the test” should be of no concern to a teacher who covers the academic content standards with thoughtful and engaging lessons. Testing boycotts are misguided because they deprive educators, parents and the public of important information on how students and schools are doing. Information from testing can be used to determine which students need help and which areas of the curriculum need focus in a school or classroom.

Kerry Mazzoni

California Secretary for

Education, Sacramento
