
Undocumented Border-Crossers

Fourteen more immigrants are dead, trying to cross the border in search of a better life (May 25). This is a crime that happened in U.S. territory, a terrible tragedy, yet it doesn’t get the media coverage that other tragedies receive (North Valley Jewish Community Center, Columbine). It’s probably because they were illegal immigrants, and this country only considers these things a tragedy when U.S. citizens are involved. What will we do about these deaths? How will we try to avoid these tragedies in the future? Will the smugglers responsible be brought to justice? Politicians, law enforcement agencies--someone has to do something.

Antonio Zamora

Los Angeles

The story about the deaths of the border-crossers in southwestern Arizona is sad. Claudia Smith of California Rural Legal Assistance made the remark, “Pushing migrants into dangerous areas is an abuse of the right of a country to control its borders.” Smith left out the word “illegal” before migrants. Aren’t we still accountable for our deeds, good or bad?

Frank Myers

