
Phones and Jails

* Re “Inmate Phone Calls,” April 30.

As I was reading the article by Anna Gorman, I felt I must respond and elaborate on the fact that phone calls are a privilege and not a right to inmates. The article makes it seem as if the family members, as well as the inmates, in Ventura County have no choice in keeping the calls short and not costly to family and friends!

I was married to an inmate and realized too soon that phone calls are made for basically four reasons: 1. To keep in touch with family, friends and their support network; 2. To have their wives, especially, continue to market and continue the inmates’ illegal activities which got them incarcerated; 3. To contact their paroled jail house buddies to do illegal activities which can include murder, and; 4. To intimidate witnesses in upcoming trials. Family and friends have choices and must tell inmates enough is enough. Perhaps Ventura County could take an example from the federal authorities. Inmates’ phone calls must be approved, screened, have 15-minute limits and signed up for. This eliminates the gang type inmates or more aggressive sort from monopolizing phones and causing more violence.


Simi Valley
