
A Breakfast So Hearty He May Never Eat Lunch in This Town Again

The tension builds steadily in Michael Connelly’s latest mystery, “A Darkness More Than Night.” Take the scene in which retired FBI Agent Terry McCaleb, a heart-transplant recipient, walks into an L.A. diner.

First, he downs the 27 pills that his doctors have him take twice a day. Then he orders a large stack of pancakes with melted butter, an order of well-done bacon and coffee.

I swear, I never thought he’d get out of the place alive.

VALENTINE’S DAZE: Our offbeat gift ideas (see accompanying) for today include:

* A very cold bathing suit (submitted by Betty Guile of Van Nuys).

* Some roses that could require deodorant.

* And a piece of ruby and diamond jewelry--but where do you hang it? (Pat Davey of Northridge)


ODD COUPLE: The L.A. Daily Journal, noting that allows cellular phone owners to download songs to replace their annoying rings, suggested some ditties for areas of the legal profession. They included:

* General counsel--”Help!” the Beatles.

* Criminal defense--”I Fought the Law,” Bobby Fuller Four.

* Immigration law--”Born in East L.A.,” Cheech and Chong.


BEACH CREDITS: Struck by Oscar fever, this column is offering a series of lists of movie lines that mention local cities. The first honoree is Long Beach:

* “Let’s go to Long Beach!”--Sharon Stone, telling writer’s block victim Albert Brooks that the city’s aquarium will inspire him (“The Muse”).


* “He’s in Long Beach, isn’t he? Relax.”--Barbara Stanwyck, telling lover Fred MacMurray not to worry about her husband (“Double Indemnity”).

Harvey’s e-mail: [email protected].
