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The Times accepts and publishes the catch count as a public service. Any responsibility for accuracy is that of the landing operator.
MORRO BAY (Virg’s Landing)--93 anglers (5 boats): 2 ling cod, 150 red rock cod, 180 rock cod, 100 assorted rock fish, 94 albacore
SANTA BARBARA (Sea Landing)--9 anglers (1 boat): 10 calico bass, 19 rockfish, 1 sand bass.
OXNARD (Cisco’s)--149 anglers (8 boats): 1 cabazon, 1 opal eye perch, 1 yellowtail, 60 whitefish, 6 sheephead, 28 sculpin, 266 sand bass, 56 rockfish, 15 halibut, 238 calico bass, 1 blue perch, 242 barracuda.
PORT HUENEME--36 anglers (3 boats): 38 calico bass, 45 barracuda, 102 shallow water rockfish, 25 sand bass, 52 whitefish, 2 blue perch.
MARINA DEL REY--175 anglers (8 boats): 748 sand bass, 58 calico bass, 3 halibut, 6 barracuda, 35 rockfish, 43 sculpin.
REDONDO BEACH (Sportsfishing)--101 anglers (6 boats): 208 calico bass, 187 sand bass, 47 barracuda, 42 sculpin, 1 sheephead, 15 rockfish.
SAN PEDRO (L.A. Harbor Sportfishing)--97 anglers (5 boats): 25 yellowtail, 4 white sea bass, 308 barracuda, 82 sand bass, 86 calico bass, 8 whitefish, 4 sheephead, 1 halibut. (22nd St. Landing)--181 anglers (8 boats): 6 yellowfin tuna, 14 yellowtail, 3 white sea bass, 78 calico bass, 309 sand bass, 324 barracuda, 28 halibut, 4 sculpin, 14 sheephead, 8 whitefish, 110 blue fin perch, 81 rockfish.
LONG BEACH (Sportfishing/Berth 55)--219 anglers (9 boats): 70 yellowtail, 1 white sea bass, 421 barracuda, 77 calico bass, 140 sand bass, 50 rockfish, 6 halibut, 12 whitefish, 14 sheephead, 17 sculpin, 1 cabazon, 1 sole, 1 mako shark (released), 1 black sea bass (released).(Marina Sportfishing)--102 anglers (4 boats): 235 barracuda, 32 calico bass, 186 sand bass, 10 sculpin. (Pierpoint Landing)--101 anglers (7 boats): 17 albacore, 34 yellowtail, 525 barracuda, 6 calico bass, 192 sand bass, 13 sculpin, 1 sheephead. Belmont Sportsfishing--14 anglers (1 boat): 84 barracuda, 48 sand bass, 3 sculpin, 2 halibut (released).
SEAL BEACH (Big Fish)--51 anglers (3 boats): 20 calico bass, 154 sand bass, 202 barracuda.
NEWPORT BEACH (Newport Landing)--149 anglers (7 boats): 31 yellowtail, 10 white sea bass, 125 barracuda, 235 calico bass, 95 sand bass, 2 halibut, 6 rockfish, 14 sculpin, 8 sheephead, 1 mako shark, 3 blue shark (released). (Davey’s Locker)--232 anglers (9 boats): 73 yellowtail, 7 yellow fin tuna, 4 white sea bass, 187 sand bass, 164 barracuda, 34 calico bass, 1 halibut, 3 rockfish, 29 sculpin, 3 sheephead, 4 sole.
DANA WHARF--213 anglers (8 boats): 10 barracuda, 13 white sea bass, 5 whitefish, 92 calico bass, 268 sand bass, 36 yellow tail, 3 halibut, 4 sculpin, 6 sheephead, 4 yellowfin tuna.
OCEANSIDE (Helgren’s)--124 anglers (6 boats): 1 yellowtail, 10 barracuda, 97 calico bass, 314 sand bass, 6 halibut, 16 sculpin, 1 sheephead, 5 rockfish. SAN DIEGO (H&M; Landing, Fisherman’s, Point Loma)--440 anglers (4 boats): 128 yellowfin tuna, 205 albacore, 78 yellowtail, 14 bluefin tuna, 14 dorado, 1 mako shark, 6 skip jack.
(Seaforth)--199 anglers (10 boats): 32 albacore, 2 blue fin tuna, 3 yellowfin tuna, 6 skip jack, 1 white sea bass, 20 yellow tail, 6 bonito, 106 barracuda, 106 kelp bass, 116 sand bass, 132 rockfish, 55 ocean white fish, 5 sheephead, 9 sculpin, 2 ling cod, 40 mackerel. (Islandia)--87 anglers (4 boats): 4 yellowtail, 8 bonito, 94 barracuda, 55 calico bass, 3 sand bass, 8 sculpin, 28 rockfish, 100 mackerel, 8 albacore, 1 yellowfin.