
No Cure for These Left Turns


Dear Traffic Talk:

Can “no turn” signs be installed to prevent people from crossing the double yellow lines on Beverly Glen Boulevard, between Ventura Boulevard and Dickens Street?

People cross the double yellow lines to turn left onto Beverly Glen southbound from a mini-mall.

Also, can turns from Greenleaf and Dickens streets onto Beverly Glen southbound be restricted to prevent gridlock?


The stretch of Beverly Glen between Tyrone Avenue and Valley Vista Boulevard represents almost half the time of my 10-mile commute. There has to be something that the city department of transportation can do to help us hapless commuters.

David Brown

Sherman Oaks

Dear David:

Preventing turns between Ventura and Dickens would inconvenience commuters and residents trying to get out of their driveways, said Irwin L. Chodash, East Valley District engineer at the city department of transportation.

After engineers reviewed reported accidents in the last three years and observed the area, they did not find a pattern of accidents involving left turns from driveways. Regarding the second question, restricting turns from Greenleaf and Dickens onto Beverly Glen southbound would negatively affect Dickens and Greenleaf residents, Chodash said.


Such restrictions would hinder the residents’ ability to go south on Beverly Glen. Engineers will consider turn restrictions only if they are requested by a majority of residents and supported by the office of City Councilman Mike Feuer, who represents the area.


Dear Traffic Talk:

Would you please advise me whether the schedule of the city Department of Public Works includes plans for the repaving of Parthenia Street?

Our principal interest is the segment of Parthenia between Balboa and Lindley avenues in Northridge--but virtually all of Parthenia, from Van Nuys Avenue to Topanga Canyon Boulevard, needs repair.


Edmund Peckham


Dear Edmund:

The portion of Parthenia between Balboa and Lindley avenues was last repaved in 1986 and is not scheduled for resurfacing, said Robert Reed, a spokesman at the city Department of Public Works.

Call the city Bureau of Street Services at (213) 473-8410 to request that a supervisor visit that stretch and determine its condition. The official will try to get the area scheduled for repaving.

The city is scheduled to repave these portions of Parthenia sometime before next June: from Lindley to Tampa avenues and from Willis to Noble avenues. Sometime between next July and June 2002, workers are scheduled to resurface Parthenia from Van Nuys to Willis and Burnet avenues and from Noble to Burnet avenues.

To learn which streets have been scheduled for resurfacing, log onto the city’s web site at Click on Departments, Commissions and Committees and then on Street Services Bureau.


Traffic Talk appears Fridays in The Times Valley Edition. Readers may submit comments and questions about traffic in the Valley to Traffic Talk, Los Angeles Times, 20000 Prairie St., Chatsworth 91311. Include your name, address and phone number. Letters may be edited, and no anonymous letters will be accepted. Fax letters to (818) 772-3385. E-mail questions to [email protected].
