
L.A. Screenings Scheduled for ALS Documentary

“Through Riley’s Eyes,” a documentary aimed at raising awareness of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease), will be screened at the Monica 4-Plex in Santa Monica Tuesday-Sept. 28 at noon and 12:40 p.m.

It was inspired by the life of Portland jazz trumpet player Richard Burdell who fought ALS, a neuromuscular disease for which there is no cure, for 12 years before he was taken off life support at the age of 48.

The award-winning film is the writing and directorial debut of Susan Turner-Cray, whose husband, five-time Grammy winner Robert Cray, composed an original soundtrack.


The theater is located at 1332 2nd St. in Santa Monica.

Tickets $5.50.

