
This Dodger Strategy Is for the Birds

As I watch Eric Young get two hits plus a stolen base against the Dodgers, while badgering Kevin Brown into giving up a home run, I can only think: another great move for Malone and Johnson. I can’t wait till they dump Todd Hollandsworth--because Davey doesn’t like him--so that he can go somewhere else and become a star.

If you came up through the Dodger system, the Malone-Johnson team has a message for you: Drop dead. Obviously Malone-Johnson learned a sure-fire formula while working for the Baltimore Orioles: Dump all home-grown talent, sign free agents who can’t run, can’t play defense, and can’t pitch, and pray for a three-run home run. It was good enough for Earl Weaver in the 1970s, it’s good enough for the Dodgers today. Next they’ll trade Vin Scully and Tom Lasorda for a couple of those Baltimore crab cakes and a ticket to the Babe Ruth Museum.

Mr. Daly, are you watching?


Culver City
