
Sheriff Carona’s First Year

* In “Sheriff Wins Kudos in His Rookie Year” (Jan. 10), The Times deserves praise for not overplaying the egomaniacal proposal to put Sheriff Mike Carona’s name on all patrol cars; it would only have distracted from the positive review of his performance on things that really matter.

Besides, Carona’s popular, grass-roots appeal in South County is about to receive a major boost, as I have it on good authority from inside sources that he is prepared to boldly endorse Measure F, the Safe and Healthy Communities Initiative.

The only catch is that he insists on changing the title to Measure Mike Carona and advertising it on all patrol cars.




* It certainly makes one feel better that our sheriff has proved to be a dedicated and successful leader.

He has accomplished much in his first year, but has not been able to build more jails, which would stop the continued practice of early jail releases.

I was glad to read more jails are Carona’s main goal for the next year.


Santa Ana
