
Memorial Services Scheduled

The following churches will have services to honor victims of the Alaska Airlines Flight 261 plane crash:

* The Park View Baptist Church and other area churches will host a nondenominational vigil Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at the Hueneme pier. All are welcome. Call Pastor Tracy Cook at 486-7689 for information.

* St. Anthony’s Catholic Church will hold a prayer service Friday at 7 p.m. to read scripture, psalms and hymns. The church invites any family members,


members of the media, rescue workers and all others for prayer and reflection. The church is at 2511 South C St. in Oxnard, behind Centerpoint Mall. Call the parish office at 486-7301 for information.

* St. Paul’s Baptist Church will set aside time during the 11 a.m. Sunday service to pray for the victims and their families. All family members are invited. The church is at 1354 South C St. in Oxnard. Call 487-2015 for information.
