
Ready or Not, Rider’s Still Here

The Dec. 3 article about the desecration of Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman’s observation of the Jewish Sabbath by supporters of Gov. George W. Bush struck a chord with me. Last Friday night, my family was having a quiet Shabbat dinner with friends at their home in Northridge. Shortly after 7 p.m., we heard a popping sound and a car driving away.

A few hours later, as we were leaving for home, we discovered that someone hit the Gore-Lieberman 2000 sticker at the bottom left corner of the tailgate window of our minivan. The window was shattered and its frame dented. Our 8-year-old daughter became hysterical and refused to get into the car until we promised to take the political stickers off our other vehicles.

When our friend called the police, the officer asked her whether there was any bumper sticker on the car that could have motivated the thugs. It would appear that we were not the first victims of such a cowardly act.


I just cannot understand why supporters of some political candidates feel that they have the right to use force, intimidation and disrespect of religious beliefs of others to further their own agenda.


