
3rd Parties’ Issues

* Re “Eclectic Crowds, Electric Talk on Nader’s ‘Left Coast’ Swing,” Aug. 26:

Sitting shoulder to shoulder, sweating in a humid gymnasium on a warm summer evening, I listened to Ralph Nader speak on the issues of the 21st century. I watched an array of over 1,500 teen-agers, college students, young couples with small children, baby boomers and retired senior citizens, as we heard Nader speak on the need for universal health care, eliminating poverty and divorcing corporations from the American political scene.

Nader has my vote. And if it is not enough to win the White House, it will be part of a greater whole that will garner the attention of the Democrats and slowly, step by step, and yes, year by year, move the important issues back to the forefront of politics. And the people’s issues--not the corporations--will be the focus of campaigns in the future.

Vote out of hope, not out of fear.




I applaud “Stop Quibbling, Start Debating” (editorial, Aug. 22), urging inclusion of the Green and Reform parties in the presidential debates. Of course this is an unrealistic expectation as long as major corporations and the status quo parties are in control.


So let’s see the editorial board introduce issues that would be raised by Nader and Pat Buchanan if they had a chance.


