
‘Dr. Rapp’

Thanks for the wonderful article about the doctor who is living his dreams (“The Self-Prescribed Therapy of ‘Dr. Rapp,’ ” April 3).

It is most unfortunate that his friends are missing such an exciting haven like Leimert Park. I enjoy the best carrot cake and jazz at the former 5th Street Dick’s, quality conversation and friendship from the many men who play chess and lots of fun shopping at an array of stores. In addition, Babe’s and Ricky’s is in the same area and is considered one of the best blues clubs in the city.

I grew up about five minutes from the area and guess what, I am still around to visit and I have never had to wear a bulletproof vest. Dr. Rapp [Dr. Sherman Hershfield] gets my full support, and to all of his “scared” friends, I offer this to ponder: FEAR means False Evidence that Appears Real.



Los Angeles
