

It’s a Dirty Job: “Thousands of janitors in Los Angeles . . . went on strike. You can’t blame them! It’s tough work to be constantly sweeping police corruption under the rug.” (Jerry Perisho)

Promises, Promises: For the remainder of his term, President Clinton will “concentrate on raising the minimum wage, a patient’s bill of rights, prescription drug coverage for Medicare patients and gun control. . . . Given his job prospects after leaving office, isn’t raising the minimum wage a little self-serving?” (Daily Scoop)

A Gas-ly Sight: “. . . There’s no end to these gas prices. It’s getting so bad, I saw Donald Trump at a gas station filling up the tires on his bike.” (Andrew Wisot)


All in One: “The Pew Research Poll says voters view George W. Bush as arrogant and cocky, while they view Al Gore as dishonest and incompetent. This is Clinton’s best argument for a third term. With him, you get all four.” (Argus Hamilton)

Sleeping It Off: “Due to the loss of one hour last weekend, sleep experts say you should take a nap at work this week to remain productive. If napping at work is so productive, how come the Clippers are so lousy?” (Alex Kaseberg)

Got a joke? Send it to Laugh Lines by fax, (213) 237-0732, or mail, Southern California Living, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053.
