
Sock Maker Hopes for a Good Fit in Mossimo’s Deal With Target

Leslie Earnest covers retail businesses for The Times. She can be reached at (714) 966-7832 and at [email protected]

If Target does begin buying from Mossimo’s existing licensees, Michael Speyer will be one happy businessman.

Speyer is the chief executive of Mountain High Hosiery, a San Diego company that is licensed to make Mossimo socks. So far, Speyer said, the sales have been lackluster. “The traditional department stores just didn’t get behind it,” he said.

But the Target-Mossimo marriage could change all that, said Speyer, who is hoping to share in the dowry. He would like nothing better than to see Mossimo socks selling in Target’s 923 stores nationwide.


“Mossimo’s not a big part of our business, but we were banking [that] it was going to be,” he said. “And this could make it happen.”
