
‘The Church Building Is Not Really God’s House’

Why didn’t the Archdiocese of Los Angeles save a lot of time and trouble and simply erect 10-foot solid gold letters on its current cathedral saying, “Hey, God, we are spending tens of millions to gain your favors” (“Bronze Ambition,” by Lorenza Munoz, March 5)? While thousands roam our streets hungry for both physical and spiritual sustenance, the church continues to waste its contributions on grander and grander edifices.

Robert Graham is a talented artist, but I feel this project is an abomination in the eyes of God. We must awaken from the falsehoods being forced upon us by our consumer society. The church building is not really God’s house. The money that you put in the collection plate does not do His works. Not one penny should be wasted on buildings until all of God’s children have food, clothing and shelter.

W. R. Turner



In addition to creating some incredible art over the years, Graham has been a behind-the-scenes supporter of community-based organizations in Venice and throughout Los Angeles. I am glad to see him recognized for his powerful body of work.


Elizabeth Benson Forer

Executive Director, Venice Family Clinic
