
Gov. Gary Johnson

New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson has the courage to address what so many people have known for years: All drugs should be legalized (Nov. 10). That is the only way drugs are going to get out of the black market. The criminal system logjam of drug-related offenses will be freed up and not subject to such tempting corruption. People who commit real crimes, whether using drugs or not, will be the focus.

Society will have to address the real issues of why kids want to be stoned all the time anyway, why is substance abuse so high in the economically oppressed sectors of our society, and what is it about our culture that contributes to having so many citizens whose idea of entertainment (or just getting by, day to day) is using drugs and alcohol? And finally, adults will have the freedom of choice that is morally and legally mandated by our philosophy of government.

Stop the hypocrisy, government officials; show up and do your jobs, like Gov. Johnson.


Santa Barbara


The drug war is a dismal failure on all fronts. Drug use is up. Drug-related crime is up. Prison populations are up. Civil rights are down. I challenge the drug warriors to point at a single success. All their successes look like failure to me. Imagine how many millions of man-hours could be used for other criminal investigations or community policing, if the narcotics department were looking after other matters. Imagine the drug trade being regulated by pharmacies and doctors, not gangs and pushers. Imagine a 50-cent tax on a day’s use of heroin, cocaine and pot, not cigarettes.



Costa Mesa
