
Elizabeth Dole

* Arianna Huffington (“This Dole Is Getting a Free Ride,” Commentary, March 16) tells us that Elizabeth Dole refuses to answer questions about her positions on the issues of the day.

Perhaps Huffington should have pointed out that Dole is not the only Republican candidate who refuses to answer questions. George W. Bush said he wouldn’t answer questions on national issues until June.

How do you explain that these two candidates are both leading Al Gore in the polls when we don’t know their positions on the issues?



Woodland Hills

* Kudos to Huffington for her excellent article. I had already made up my mind that Dole was all show and no substance before I read it, but Arianna really told it like it is by nailing down Dole’s well-rehearsed bromides and even more amusingly pointing out that her campaign has been saving money on speech writers, by comparing it with Bob Dole’s ’96 agenda.


Los Angeles

* I am so thrilled to see that Dole is entertaining the idea of running for president. We have told our daughters for many years that it is possible for them to be anything they want to be, yet in this country’s history, we have yet to have a woman president.

Dole’s reputation is outstanding. During her presidency of the American Red Cross (1991-1999) she led major fund-raising campaigns to help many people after floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters. The American Red Cross was also cited for using those funds wisely, with 92 cents of every dollar going to aid the victims. She also changed the way that blood was tested and this resulted in the blood supply being free from AIDS and other diseases.


Dole was secretary of Transportation (1983-87), secretary of Labor (1989-91), a member of the Federal Trade Commission (1973-79) and deputy assistant to President Nixon for consumer affairs (1971-73). In all of these posts, she was successful in achieving her goals to better our country. She is not a politician and she would not “owe” any special interest groups any favors. Yet she is well-qualified and seems to have the interest of the people at heart.


Yucca Valley
