
Joe DiMaggio

* The death of Joe DiMaggio (March 9) brings back memories.

Growing up in northeast Ohio, we were all Cleveland Indian fans. In the late ‘30s, the highlight of my summer was my dad taking me to Cleveland to see the Yankees and Indians do battle. It always seemed that Bob Feller would be the Cleveland pitcher. The score would be tied going into the eighth or ninth inning when the Yankee Clipper’s bat met one of Feller’s fast balls, knocking it out of Municipal Stadium for a home run to win the game. DiMaggio was the complete ballplayer, fielding, running the bases and of course breaking the hearts of the Indian fans.

It is ironic that DiMaggio’s 56-game hitting streak came to an end in Cleveland.




If there is any consolation in all this, it is that when the Lord took one gentleman slugger, Joltin’ Joe, he gave us two more, Mighty Mark and Slugging Sammy. What further proof do we need that baseball is truly America’s game, as directed by a higher master plan. DiMaggio made a difference and we will always love him for that.


Newport Beach


So many headlines, so many eulogies, for the man who lived each day as if it were the ninth inning of the seventh game. The legendary ball player was also the husband of Marilyn Monroe. After their divorce, he kept his comments private. They came later in the form of flowers on her grave for 20 years--red roses.



