
Dan Quayle

Re “Social and Fiscal Conservatism Can Coexist,” Commentary, Feb. 25: Dan Quayle once again proves to be the utterly clueless and out-of-touch presidential candidate that stand-up comics have nurtured. He claims that Bill Clinton and Al Gore defend the “high-tax, anti-military, pro-big-government status quo.” I distinctly remember George Bush’s “Read My Lips, No New Taxes” campaign. One month into office Bush not only raised taxes, but raised them higher than expected.

Anti-military? Clinton just recently supported increasing military spending by several billion dollars above current levels. As far as being “pro-big-government,” is it not the conservatives who wish to limit, if not eliminate, an individual’s right to choose abortion? Government could not get any “bigger” than by intruding into one of the most important decisions a couple can make, that of abortion.

There is one word for the social and fiscal conservatism that Quayle has presented for our consideration: Orwellian.



Santa Monica


Quayle proved he couldn’t spell. His column reveals that he can’t count either. If he wants to fund an antimissile shield, cut taxes and strengthen families, where is the money going to come from other than from cuts to poor families that will weaken families, not strengthen them. Quayle doesn’t get it that his cynical juggling of tax dollars leaves him open to the very thing that George Bush the younger is trying to get away from: The only families that the GOP is interested in are the country-club set.

Perhaps Quayle’s devotion to family values has nothing to do with the physical and emotional welfare of families, but is the acceptance of the code employed by the religious right to cover its attacks against gays and lesbians.


Rancho Mirage
