
The Official Timekeepers of the Party

Cities around the globe are milking millennium fever for whatever they can. Rio de Janeiro is already boasting the world’s largest party, anticipating 3 million participants; a group of skydivers plans to be first in the world to see the premiere sunrise of the century when it jumps 800 miles off the coast of New Zealand; and those going to Goa, India, will have an opportunity to dance the night away at a world-class rave.

Less glamorous perhaps, but much more important, those in Greenwich, England, will be keeping the clock. The main claim to fame of this small city on the outskirts of London is “home to world time.” Greenwich Mean Time, that is, which was chosen in 1884 to aid naval navigation because of its location along the prime meridian, zero longitude.

How accurate is your clock? Check it now by logging onto and again as the New Year approaches.
