
Selling Inherited House at a Loss

Robert J. Bruss gave an incorrect answer to the question from a woman who inherited a house and sold it at a loss two months later (“Real Estate Q&A;,” April 11).

The loss would be a long-term loss; Bruss said it would not be. Since the property was acquired by inheritance, even if it were sold within one year after the decedent’s death, it is considered to be held for more than one year. (Internal Revenue Code 1223 [11] [A] and [B]; Internal Revenue Code 1014 [b] [1].) Accordingly, the loss is long-term and may be used to offset long-term gain.

Even if the loss were short-term, it could be used to offset the long-term gain.STEVE BAUMAN


Los Angeles

The writer is an attorney who specializes in tax law.
