
Forums on Midtown Redevelopment

The League of Women Voters of Ventura County invites all interested Ventura residents to two public forums on the midtown redevelopment project. Both forums are free.

The first will take place at 7 p.m. April 26 in the Little Theater of Buena High School. Speaking in favor of the project will be former City Council member and shoe store owner Gary Tuttle and auto dealer Jim McConica. Presenting the opposing view will be shop owner Allen St. James and lawyer Kathryn Heiberg.

The second will be from 4 to 6 p.m. May 8 in the auditorium of Anacapa Middle School, co-sponsored by the American Planning Assn. The featured speaker will be Peter Detwiler, staff director of the Senate Local Government Committee in Sacramento.


Both forums will include time for questions from the public.

An election on the midtown redevelopment project will be held June 8.

SUE KELLEY, President, League of Women Voters of Ventura County, Ventura
