
High Gas Prices Bring Benefits

* I’ve failed to notice any letters pointing to the benefits of the recent increase in gas prices.

The increased drain on our pocketbook is far outweighed by the benefits. In order to squeeze the most miles per gallon out of our gas guzzlers, we will be forced to slow down on our streets and freeways.

This will not only save gas, but also save lives and decrease road rage.

Also, to save gas we will be forced to drive less, carpool, walk and ride bikes. All will help decrease air pollution and help change our sedentary lifestyle.


Finally, those who have taken advantage of low gas prices by buying the largest sport-utility vehicles, trucks and autos available will think twice when replacing their gas guzzlers.

The pendulum will again swing back to the small autos with small engines, leaving more room on freeways and in parking lots.


Dana Point
