
Evoking Childhood Memories



Springsongs. John McCutcheon. Rounder Kids. CD: $15; cassette: $9.50. (800) 443-4727,

This is the fourth and the best of John McCutcheon’s Grammy-nominated “Four Seasons” series. These heart-touching songs, about life observed through a child’s eyes and via an adult who remembers the truth of childhood, range from making the Little League team to a brother marveling at the Cinderella transformation of his sister on prom night.

McCutcheon, a full-voiced, multitalented musician, is backed by other superb musicians, and he’s unsurpassed at finding just the right instrumental voice for each expressive song, from the driving rock beat in “Spring Fever” and the jaunty banjo in “April Fool” to the mellow jazz trumpet in “Snow in April,” the comic tuba in “Junk Mail.”


“Circus Magic: Under the Big Top.” Linda Arnold. Youngheart Music. CD: $13.98; cassette: $10.98. (800) 444-4287,

Linda Arnold rarely disappoints and this happy album is no exception. Quality production values provide a big, musical stage sound, enhanced by Arnold’s notably pure vocals. Through songs and some dialogue, Arnold plays ringmaster, beginning with the arrival of the circus train, “oodles and oodles of circus poodles,” and bicycling, picnicking teddy bears. “Circus of the World” is an unexpected and lovely a capella number, and the big day winds up with a sweet “Circus Lullaby.”
