
Readers Recommend

England--J. Frank Brennan, La Canada: “Bee Cottage, Fulbrook, Burford OX18 4BZ; telephone/fax 011-44-1993-822-070. Comfortable suite in turn-of-the-century cottage in lovely Cotswold setting. Sightseeing tours by arrangement.” Rate: about $89 double, with breakfast.

Mexico--R. Honigman, Van Nuys: “Mexican Home Cooking, Apdo. 64, Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala 90000; tel. 011-52-246-809-78, fax 011-52-246-249-98. New school near Puebla where Estela Salas Silva teaches sophisticated Mexican cuisine.” Rate: $880 ($1,000 starting Jan. 1) for five days of classes, six nights’ lodging, meals. Air fare extra.

Missouri--Ruth DeCurtins, Monterey Park: “Rhapsody Inn, 296 Blue Meadows Road, Branson 65616; tel. (800) 790-3892. Delightful B&B; with pool in a wooded setting. Victorian decor.” Rates: $82.50-$110.


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