
Tourism Consultant Speaks to Chamber

The city of Ventura and the Ventura Visitors and Convention Bureau hope the consultant they just hired for $40,000 will help pave the way for a thriving tourism economy.

Bruce Baltin of PFK Consulting is to help develop a master plan for tourism in Ventura. His firm was behind the creation of Universal Studios CityWalk in Los Angeles.

At a Ventura Chamber of Commerce meeting Tuesday, Baltin tried to define the intangibles that make a successful tourist destination.


“It’s a critical mass of things to see and do in a pleasing environment in a hospitable climate,” Baltin told his audience. “Put another way, it’s enough to do in a pretty place.”

Planners must examine factors like public transportation, he said. “Are there maps and brochures? Is the signage good? Signage is critical,” he said.

Baltin will spend the summer assessing Ventura’s tourism industry. He will give his recommendations to the City Council this fall.
