
Man Fires Gun in Restaurant Robbery

Police were searching Thursday night for a man who fired a handgun during a holdup at a Ventura fast-food restaurant.

The shooting occurred at 8:43 p.m. inside the Carl’s Jr. at 3015 Johnson Drive. No one was injured.

Authorities learned of the heist from a woman who said she pulled her car up to the drive-up window and was confronted by a clerk who said the restaurant was being robbed.


Witnesses told police that they heard a gunshot, then saw the robber leave the restaurant and run off.

Officers arrived within minutes and found the curtains on the north side of the restaurant drawn and the dining room vacant. The manager confirmed to officers that the restaurant had been robbed.

Authorities throughout western Ventura County were looking for a Latino man in his late 20s with a goatee and mustache, wearing a black knit cap, Raiders jacket and shorts.
