
February, the Month for Lovers and Quitters

Throwing in the Towel

It’s February and you know what that means. That’s right. If you made a New Year’s resolution to exercise and you’ve been dutifully working out, it’s almost time to quit! Researchers at the University of Indiana say that half of new exercisers will throw in the towel by the end of this month. Most stop sweating once they discover the pounds don’t melt away after a few weeks, researchers say. If you do quit, don’t worry--you can always resolve to start exercising Jan. 1, 1999.

Fat Cats and Dogs

It’s not only monkey see, monkey do. It’s also cat or dog see flabby owner, cat or dog be flabby. Chances are that if the owner is overweight, so is the pet, according to Vernon-based Waltham, which specializes in pet care and nutrition. Luckily, you don’t have to sign your pet up for Weight Watchers. Instead, the pet care company recommends providing plenty of fresh water, dividing a day’s meals into two to four portions and establishing a regular exercise regimen. This program also works for pet owners.

They Should Bottle the Stuff

Popeye used to eat spinach for strength. And now, kids--not noted for their love of the iron-rich, green leafy vegetable--can eat Popeye. Popeye Vitamins, that is. The chewable multivitamins come in the shapes of Popeye, Olive Oyl and Brutus. The company stresses that its vitamins are made of all natural ingredients and contain no artificial dyes. Who knows how they taste, but it’s got to beat spinach.


From the Heart

Even thoughtful guys who actually remember their sweethearts on Valentine’s Day can still go wrong--way wrong--according to the February issue of Men’s Fitness magazine. Gifts that will earn guys a one-way ticket to the doghouse include any food item with the words “diet,” “light” or “high fiber” on the label; poetry, no matter how heartfelt, that begins, “There once was a girl from Nantucket. . . .”; and any household appliance or power tool. For future reference, should the sweetheart find herself in the doghouse, any of the above gifts will get herout immediately.
