
Walk This Way, and Turn Down the Volume

“Kathy Smith’s Walkfit Plus: Lean Walk System”

Time Warner Audio

Original material

Three cassettes

Length: Three hours


Read by the author

Available in bookstores or by calling (800) 759-0190

Firm and muscular, Kathy Smith seems to be the perfect person to teach us all about toning. Unfortunately, we have to listen to her to learn her secrets. This woman is so perky I’d walk into traffic rather than listen to her on a daily basis.

In all fairness, this is a well-made and informative program. She guides you through three levels of walking and includes an extremely informative and clearly written brochure with the tapes. She will teach you to exercise your arms, check your heart rate and get the most out of a 30-minute walk.

It’s the phony bonhomie and mindless banter that promises to set your teeth on edge, and the canned, upbeat Muzak helps little. However, Smith appears to have a legion of fans, as this is her seventh audio in the Walkfit series. Others include “Let’s Go Disco!,” “Country Crossroads” and “Walking Easy.”
