
Products Offer Spray of Hope for Noisy Door


Q We’ve noticed that all the doors in our house seem to have a squeaking problem. I’ve tried lubricating the hinges with penetrating oil, but it doesn’t seem to last long. I’ve also tried graphite lubricant, but it leaves a dirty black residue. What else can we use?


La Habra


A There are a couple of products that work well and are greaseless and don’t leave a residue, says Pete Gorman of Rancho Lumber in Westminster.

Tri Flow is an oil-free lubricant that contains Teflon. LPF makes another lubricant that is similar and is designed to penetrate tight spaces. They come in aerosols and also have a flexible tube that you can use to focus the spray onto a small area.



Q On our kitchen counter tile we accidentally spilled some Super Glue. Now it’s hardened and can’t be removed. We tried using acetone but that hasn’t worked. Any other ideas?




A There are products designed for removing these types of glues, however, they mostly contain acetone, says Gary Lillge of Crown Hardware in Newport Beach.

You need to squeeze a little on the spot to completely cover it, and wait one to two minutes. After that, you apply a little on a cotton ball and try to rub the spot off. You may want to try to remove it again with acetone using this method.



Q I have a half-inch-thick glass tabletop, and I’d like to modify it, which entails drilling a few holes through it. What kind of bit should I use to do the job?


Mission Viejo


A A You may want to have this professionally done, says Dee Watt of College Glass & Mirror in Fullerton.

You’ll need to use a special diamond bit designed for drilling through glass, and if you make a mistake, you could permanently chip it. Considering that it’s a large and expensive piece of glass, you may want to spend the extra money to make sure the job is done correctly.


If you have a question about your home or garden, Helping Hand will help you find the answer. Send questions to John Morell, Home Design, The Times Orange County, 1375 Sunflower Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626.
